You can change the setting for every log windows you have without effect on the preference setting, used when you open a new window. To change the setting for a already opened Log Window: Click in the window to bring them on the front if in the background , and from the menu 'Update' select 'Update Every...' Here is possible to insert the interval time between a successive log update. Log watcher at every interval time will display a fresh version of the log. To change the size of the last portion of the file to read select 'Load Last Kb...' from the 'Update' menu Selecting a small dimension will make the upgrade process faster. The smaller the interval times are, the more it's better to have a small interval time update not to hog your Mac. Thanks to this feature the upgrade process of the window will take a fraction of second. If you need to wrap the log file choose 'Wrap' from the 'Update' menu to insert at which column insert an additional return.